Our weekly summary by Trish

Many exciting things were happening this week. The children began school again and many of them go in the afternoon so, for the first time ever, we are having mornings at Casa Búho on Mondays and Fridays from 9:30 AM-11:00AM. On Friday mornings we are teaching English classes-another first! English classes are also being taught on Tuesday afternoons during our regular session-another first!
We also started a session on Thursday afternoons for children 2-4 years old. This is the first time that age group has attended Casa Búho. We read, played and did bubble and blow painting.
Wednesday we had our regular Study An Artist Session where we learned a little bit about Pablo Picasso and saw many of his works on my IPad. During the creativity part of the session we used Picasso’s Bouquet of Peace as our inspiration. Enjoy some of the results!




#casabuho #readingmentor #love #children #oportunities #literature #develpment #machalilla #ecuador #peacecorpes #art