Monkey-ing Around and Secondhand Sales

Yet another exciting week at Casa Búho is in the books! On Monday, the artist Silvia visited us again to help the kiddos experiment with different painting techniques. They got the paper wet, painted one half and then stamped it to the other half. This helped them explore the creativity that comes with abstract art, colors, and forms. 

Our Baby Búhos class practiced pointillism with watercolor and cotton balls. This helped them investigate color through the mixture of the watercolors and texture provided by the cotton balls. 

That afternoon class practiced relief prints to make ice cream cones as a fun way to “cool down” from the hot day. We used styrofoam plates to make the print of the ice cream scoops with designs, dipped them in paint and stamped them onto the paper. The students got super creative with their styles and decorations!

Monday was the international day of the orangutan, so Friday became an informational session about the orangutan, its habitat, the meaning of extinction, and an in depth conversation about the current fires in the Amazon Rainforest. I was touched by the immediate passion for saving the planet and knowledge that the students already had about these subjects. 

For our project, we made our own orangutans out of paper and decorated them in the other group. One girl got especially creative, expressing the beauty of the rainforest juxtaposed with the current destruction it is suffering. 

This past Saturday was Casa Búho’s big garage sale (venta de garage solidaria) to raise money for more materials for future projects with our kiddos. Our Wednesday group of students helped us paint the posters for the sale! The sale was a huge success and we raised over $600 for materials thanks to all the help from the beautiful community of Machalilla and our amazing Mama Búhos that staffed the stands all afternoon. 

See you next week!