This week, Casa Búho continued our theme of monsters! This time we explored monsters in the movies and in popular literature. This week, we were also visited by a special guest, Jaime Boada, an expert in “clown” and how to use it as an educative tool.
On Monday, the volunteers in Machalilla and Puerto Lopez took part in Jaime Boada’s training learning how to incorporate a lively and confident attitude in the classroom. On Tuesday, the moms of Casa Búho followed a similar training with Mr. Boada as a part of our Escuela Para Padres. They learned the art of empathy and excitement to use with their kids at home and ended the session by exclaiming their values to the whole group followed by a round of applause.
On Tuesday morning, the baby búhos played with brains! Not real brains, of course, but cooked noodles, covered in food coloring. The little practicing zombies enjoyed the texture, the color, and throwing the noodles around.
On Thursday, our morning school group made their own monster cootie catchers after reading El Monstruo Rosa by Olga de Dios. The book inspires finding one’s place and never changing yourself despite those around you that may try to. We used this lesson to encourage the students to be as creative as possible in designing their imaginary monster cootie catchers.
Thursday afternoon’s Peque Búho group repeated the same activity as the Baby Búhos to reinforce the importance of sensory learning and touch. They enjoyed playing “zombies” with the noodles almost as much as the babies.
Friday’s morning and afternoon classes played a game in which they had to roll a dice to complete the zombie face. Luckily it was warm outside as always, proving for the ultimate setting for a showdown between teams Búho Zombies and The Frankies.
See you next week for some more monster fun!